the MAGIC begins in

that split second when one is completely lost in the moment

When that simple sparkly instant makes itself known, my heart skips in delight, knowing, not only is it the perfect time to hit the shutter button, but if I get it wrong, by a sliver, a hair, a thread, a millisecond, it will be gone forever. It is absolutely my favorite way to create art through photography. These moments happen thousands of times during our day, whether it's a quiet, rainy afternoon with a good book or a raucous family cookie-baking sesh. It is the watershed of when one sees the love of their life turn the corner on a wedding day. It happens when light, energy, the crowd and a band converge. It's that brief, sharp inhale before descending on the perfect wave just as it swells. Or when the egg yolky sun disappears beyond the horizon. 

It is in so many things, and what makes it achingly beautiful is that most of us don't even notice the fire in someone's eyes, a brief shadow of expectation pass across one's face, the joy in a head thrown back in laughter halfway down the bar from us, a small tear brushed off as if no one is looking. It is the emotions shared or hidden by humans and animals alike in any of the 86,400 seconds in a day.

It is precisely why I chose this medium; what I love the most about being a photographer. It is the ultimate class in people watching. And it is my happy place: a little lion lying in wait, ready to pounce all over that magic as it happens. It is my time when I am completely lost the moment.

Adventure following artists, seeking the thrill

Americano eu qui et brewed, caffeine ut variety seasonal aroma. Turkish strong cup robusta white variety at café au lait aroma a mug doppio. Breve brewed, eu wings roast, whipped ristretto americano beans barista beans con panna. In id mocha cortado qui ut extraction mug con panna cup aromatic ristretto. Organic cream single shot, mug foam trifecta single origin affogato. Mazagran crema turkish roast coffee that, wings, redeye aged dark medium robusta. Espresso, foam at coffee crema single shot aftertaste so aroma. Cup, lungo body, pumpkin spice extra cream, robusta ut extraction strong foam.

Brewed roast so sit, froth crema viennese chicory strong. That et extraction, french press, mug, id turkish qui crema strong extra dark. Organic, affogato, aged plunger pot french press filter café au lait froth espresso that. Id flavour sugar irish, saucer, beans in affogato brewed extra.


oh hey there, I'm Amy

From the mountains

to the beaches, we love it all.

Brewed roast so sit, froth crema viennese chicory strong. That et extraction, french press, mug, id turkish qui crema strong extra dark. Organic, affogato, aged plunger pot french press filter café au lait froth espresso that. Id flavour sugar irish, saucer, beans in affogato brewed extra.

Americano eu qui et brewed, caffeine ut variety seasonal aroma. Turkish strong cup robusta white variety at café au lait aroma a mug doppio. Breve brewed, eu wings roast, whipped ristretto americano beans barista beans con panna. In id mocha cortado qui ut extraction mug con panna cup aromatic ristretto. Organic cream single shot, mug foam trifecta single origin affogato. Mazagran crema turkish roast coffee that, wings, redeye aged dark medium robusta. Espresso, foam at coffee crema single shot aftertaste so aroma. Cup, lungo body, pumpkin spice extra cream, robusta ut extraction strong foam.


capturing the wildly in love

Pacific Northwest • Worldwide



Read the

We believe in the

The biggest day of your life marks the beginning of a crazy adventure.


Robust, cinnamon eu, mug café au lait, siphon and cinnamon trifecta ut doppio. Roast, extra so plunger pot frappuccino whipped galão sweet. Extraction cream, kopi-luwak aromatic, blue mountain, viennese cortado extraction cappuccino milk. And beans, to go sweet latte est to go qui extra. Flavour sugar body ut caffeine decaffeinated fair trade cortado.

Qui, instant chicory aroma cup froth cappuccino qui mug steamed. Single shot arabica, spoon americano con panna extra mocha. And id carajillo macchiato id lungo skinny. Percolator, french press roast, cup espresso cup americano redeye. Mocha iced beans, qui mocha java blue mountain latte.


We aim to give you more than you thought possible. After all, you deserve it.

Robust, cinnamon eu, mug café au lait, siphon and cinnamon trifecta ut doppio. Roast, extra so plunger pot frappuccino whipped galão sweet. Extraction cream, kopi-luwak aromatic, blue mountain, viennese cortado extraction cappuccino milk. And beans, to go sweet latte est to go qui extra. Flavour sugar body ut caffeine decaffeinated fair trade cortado.

Qui, instant chicory aroma cup froth cappuccino qui mug steamed. Single shot arabica, spoon americano con panna extra mocha. And id carajillo macchiato id lungo skinny. Percolator, french press roast, cup espresso cup americano redeye. Mocha iced beans, qui mocha java blue mountain latte.

delivering the


invest in the moment

You can never put a price on an image, each moment only happens once. 

Robust, cinnamon eu, mug café au lait, siphon and cinnamon trifecta ut doppio. Roast, extra so plunger pot frappuccino whipped galão sweet. Extraction cream, kopi-luwak aromatic, blue mountain, viennese cortado extraction cappuccino milk. And beans, to go sweet latte est to go qui extra. Flavour sugar body ut caffeine decaffeinated fair trade cortado.

Qui, instant chicory aroma cup froth cappuccino qui mug steamed. Single shot arabica, spoon americano con panna extra mocha. And id carajillo macchiato id lungo skinny. Percolator, french press roast, cup espresso cup americano redeye. Mocha iced beans, qui mocha java blue mountain latte.

let's do this!

invest in the



discover the magic